The mission of Crossroads Dance Academy is to provide a solid technical dance foundation, hone artistic expression, improve students general knowledge and passion for the art of dance, and promote enjoyment during classes. Crossroads teaches the main genres of dance as a foundation, adding performance opportunities to enhance the student’s education, and in the advanced classes, the groundwork of artistic expression through improvisation and choreography. Our basic goal is to enable students to technically and accurately express themselves through movement. All classes are taught by trained professionals, maintain a high level of technical and artistic emphasis, and provide enjoyment for the dancer.
We believe that our children's innocence should be revered and protected. We insist on a safe and clean atmosphere in the dance studio, the waiting room, and at performances. We allow only appropriate attire and costumes, and strictly monitor all the music that is used in practice and performance for clean lyrics and messages. You will always feel pleased with what your child is wearing and dancing to while enrolled at Crossroads Dance Academy.